Are you on the cusp of a cosmic career shift? Interested in understanding yourself through the tool of astrology?

Your career, or general studies, in Astrology await you through the Royal Stars Academy....

• Tap into your innate gifts for personal empowerment • Create a career on your terms • Help others realize their potential and find their purpose in life • Join a $2.2B (USD) per year (and growing) global industry 


The Royal Stars Academy is a Professional Astrology Course, designed to take you from complete novice to professional certified holistic astrologer. Yet if you wish to simply learn astrology for your own enjoyment, and at your own pace, the Royal Stars Academy is perfect for you too. With hundreds of hours of astrological teaching and extensive workbooks throughout, completion of all four levels will certify you as a Holistic Astrology Practitioner with the International Institute of Complimentary Therapies (IICT), and qualify you for branding under Guiding Star Astrology. OR, enter the course at the level that feels right for you and just delight in the wisdom of the ages!
As the course progresses, students will be expected to begin producing high level chart analysis, conduct astrological research and exploration, participate in discussion groups with me, and other students, as desired. Note taking, exams and a small thesis are required to complete The Royal Stars Academy, after which you will be ready to add 'Certified Holistic Astrologer' to your repertoire of therapies!

What does certification provide you with?

Whether you are studying to become a professional, or for your own enrichment, becoming a certified astrologer through the Royal Stars Academy has so many benefits, including

• Branding under the Guiding Star/Royal Stars Academy name - only the best practitioners will receive certification through this course. A Guiding Star Astrologer is an astrologer you can trust! • Registration with IICT as a certified Holistic Astrologer, which includes the ability to be insured through IICT. • Links to our network of brilliant practitioners for ongoing support and mentoring. • Potential to work through the Guiding Star Channel (Website and internationally recognized YouTube channel - this is a selection process, not everyone will be offered this opportunity) • Qualified entrée into a $2.2B (USD) per year (and growing) global service industry. • Thorough (depth and breadth) understanding of astrology and its many facets and dimensions.

1. Introductory Astrology

Your perfect Astrological initiation!

In the Introductory Level we will be exploring concepts, ideas, basic principles and practice of astrology. The course is delivered through online lectures, workbooks, 7 monthly discussion groups (March to October each year - you are welcome to attend these indefinitely once you are a RSA student), and a short exam provide the content for this course undertaken at your own pace. This level is perfect for beginners or those keen to have a good foundation in astrology.

2. Intermediate Astrology

Everything you need to predict events and understand your astrology chart!

At Intermediate Level we look at deeper astrological principles including predictive techniques (including Solar Returns, Progressions, Profections, Transits, Planetary Returns), as well as the amazing house lord theory, and the astronomy behind the astrology. This level has well over 100 hours of amazing astro insights, delivered online so you can undertake this course at your own pace, as well as participating in 7 monthly group discussions and workshops with me (March to October each year - you are welcome to attend these indefinitely once you are a RSA student), there will be workbooks provided and short tests to check your knowledge.

3. Advanced Astrology

Due for release in 2025

In depth exploration of important components of astrology (Nodes, Eclipses, Vedic Timing Techniques plus so much more), and themes in astrology (karmic, relationships, relocation, medical astrology, financial astrology etc)are undertaken at this level. The course is delivered through a series of video teaching sessions over a period of 7 months.

4. Professional Practice

Due for release in 2025

Understanding of principles of professional counselling practice, how to present an astrology reading, history of astrology, focus on the Moon as a key astrological element, and refinement of skills are the major focus of this level. Exploration of Horary and Electional Astrology forms a part of this level. The course is delivered through a series of video teaching sessions over a period of 7 months, and requires the completion of a 10,000 word thesis or analysis of 30 astrological charts to pass. Completion of Level Four – Professional Practice will be required to obtain the Certified Astrological Practitioner Certificate

Total cost of all courses

Although each level of the Royal Stars Academy can be undertaken as an individual course in its own right, if you wish to obtain certification, completion of all 4 levels is required. Each level can be paid for separately. Pricing reflects the hours, lectures and requirements in each level. The total cost to achieve certification is

Review from Mardie.....

Review from Elena......

All about the Royal Stars Academy

Meet Kesenya.....

Your Teacher

Director of the Royal Stars Academy

Disclaimer, Policies and Refunds

Whatever you chose to do with the information contained in these teaching sessions is entirely up to you and at your discretion. You have complete choice and free will with regard to how you use this information. Guiding Star Astrology, The Royal Stars Academy and Kesenya Moore absolve all responsibility for the choices you make in your life, and for the recommendations or predictions made in these teaching sessions. Refunds will only be considered PRIOR to your participation in one of the four levels of the Royal Stars Academy, and on a case by case basis. Once you have participated in a teaching course, refund of purchase price is not permitted according the to Refund and Return Policy of The Royal Stars Academy. No refunds will be issued to students who have completed a course of learning with The Royal Stars Academy. Please note: All video teaching provided through The Royal Stars Academy is produced for your learning and expansion. Although she guides group workshops as part of the Royal Stars Academy, Kesenya Moore does not provide private tutoring, personal mentoring or one on one astrology lessons or sessions. Please refer to online astrological groups to source personal tutoring if that is what you wish for.